Community Development District Adopted Budget FY2025 Tohoqua 1-3 4-11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 General Fund Narrative Capital Reserve Fund Debt Service Fund Series 2021 Phase 2 Amortization Schedule Series 2021 Phase 2 Table of Contents General Fund Debt Service Fund Series 2018 Amortization Schedule Series 2018 Debt Service Fund Series 2021 Phase 4A/5A Amortization Schedule Series 2021 Phase 4A/5A Debt Service Fund Series 2022 Phase 3A/6A Amortization Schedule Series 2022 Phase 3A/6A Debt Service Fund Series 2023 Phase 4B/5B Table of Contents 22 23 24 25 26 Debt Service Fund Series 2024 Phase 7 Amortization Schedule Series 2024 Phase 7 Debt Service Fund Series 2023 Phase 4C Amortization Schedule Series 2023 Phase 4C Amortization Schedule Series 2023 Phase 4B/5B Adopted Actual Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 5/t3h1r/u24 PMrNooejenxctt th4esd 9/Tt3ho0rt/ua2l4 AFBdYu2odp0gt2ee5td SCBAAADRposssoeessseusvveeetceen sssiSlnadsssohmmmulap aEereeeerysvrnnne e A CtttnRsssmo te---nsev TDDtRneraiinedirrbxvueem u eccCeettnto inu(ollAtnee dCsctmoonrint riisbtruattioivnes) $$$$$$$ 338 04618 11428 ,,,,, 28902 --5680327904 $$$$$$$ 38 231 3608 ,,,, 0186 ---16495670 $$$$$$$ 48 1835 ,,,, 2723 ---34012404 $$$$$$$ 38 46118 14028 ,,,,, 28028 --5603479047 $$$$$$$ 1 ,4 3 5411 9302 ,,,, 6104 ---35098206 Total Revenues $ 1,608,343 $ 1,178,718 $ 138,490 $ 1,317,208 $ 1,825,286 Expenditures Administrative Supervisor Fees 12,000 $ 1,800 $ 2,400 $ 4,200 $ 12,000 $ FICA Expense 918 $ 138 $ 184 $ 321 $ 918 $ Engineering 12,000 $ 8,896 $ 14,000 $ 22,896 $ 12,000 $ Attorney 25,000 $ 17,695 $ 12,000 $ 29,695 $ 25,000 $ Annual Audit 6,700 $ 8,000 $ 1,200 $ 9,200 $ 12,000 $ Assessment Administration 10,600 $ 10,600 $ - $ 10,600 $ 11,130 $ Arbitrage 2,700 $ 1,350 $ 1,350 $ 2,700 $ 3,600 $ Dissemination 17,500 $ 11,667 $ 5,833 $ 17,500 $ 22,500 $ Trustee Fees 26,239 $ 16,459 $ 9,780 $ 26,239 $ 36,239 $ Management Fees 42,400 $ 28,267 $ 14,133 $ 42,400 $ 45,000 $ Information Technology 1,908 $ 1,272 $ 636 $ 1,908 $ 2,004 $ Website Maintenance 1,272 $ 848 $ 424 $ 1,272 $ 1,336 $ Telephone 300 $ - $ 50 $ 50 $ 300 $ Postage 1,000 $ 246 $ 104 $ 350 $ 1,000 $ Insurance 6,886 $ 6,197 $ - $ 6,197 $ 7,127 $ Printing & Binding 3,000 $ 1,345 $ 1,655 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ Legal Advertising 3,800 $ 249 $ 3,551 $ 3,800 $ 3,800 $ Other Current Charges 2,000 $ 858 $ 650 $ 1,508 $ 2,000 $ Property Appraiser Fees 500 $ 545 $ - $ 545 $ 500 $ Property Taxes - $ 289 $ - $ 289 $ - $ Office Supplies 625 $ 4 $ 17 $ 21 $ 625 $ Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions 175 $ 175 $ - $ 175 $ 175 $ Total Administrative: 177,523 $ 116,900 $ 67,967 $ 184,866 $ 202,253 $ Operations & Maintenance Contract Services Field Management 22,928 $ 15,285 $ 7,643 $ 22,928 $ 24,075 $ Amenities Management 132,500 $ 88,333 $ 44,167 $ 132,500 $ 140,450 $ Landscape Maintenance 510,817 $ 239,139 $ 131,717 $ 370,856 $ 529,094 $ Lake Maintenance 34,720 $ 7,360 $ 4,240 $ 11,600 $ 34,720 $ Wetland Maintenance 12,100 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Pool Maintenance 20,820 $ 13,880 $ 6,940 $ 20,820 $ 40,320 $ Pest Control 780 $ 530 $ 402 $ 931 $ 1,404 $ Janitorial Services 19,000 $ 14,518 $ 12,000 $ 26,518 $ 41,520 $ Contract Services Subtotal: 753,665 $ 379,045 $ 207,108 $ 586,154 $ 811,583 $ Tohoqua Community Development District General Fund Fiscal Year 2025 1 Adopted Actual Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 5/t3h1r/u24 PMrNooejenxctt th4esd 9/Tt3ho0rt/ua2l4 AFBdYu2odp0gt2ee5td Tohoqua Community Development District General Fund Fiscal Year 2025 Repairs & Maintenance ISSSFLPTGMWriitaeerrrgdouaeennninergllsecdlecmwassai hsrnRu gt&cawaigeeraoll eka mMpnR tWeM eoeoR rvpnRaea aaIueipsnnlihp mar&tssiliepanre n&Rscegnaeec tMnmtp iRcolaeaeenincpnsetatmeirneanntce $$$$$$$$$$$ 111235 00000711135,,,,,,,,,,,000005005550000000000000000000000 $$$$$$$$$$$ 1 9113 ,,,, 23564 ------1236421236 $$$$$$$$$$$ 15 001123679 ,,,,,,,,, 000000006550000000050000000004600 $$$$$$$$$$$ 125 008114568 ,,,,,,,,, 008003556550010002360000800012300 $$$$$$$$$$$ 111235 00000711135,,,,,,,,,,,000005005550000000000000000000000 Repairs & Maintenance Subtotal: $ 150,000 $ 26,174 $ 90,660 $ 116,834 $ 150,000 Utilities SEAAWtlmmreaecteeeetnnrrtiiil ctti&gyy h SCCteeeswnntteeerrr -- EWleactetrric $$$$$ 1 2139 55882,,,,,002450088000000 $$$$$ 145 3798 ,,,, 237523588315632 $$$$$ 112 0286 ,,,, 047410020200004 $$$$$ 13580149 ,,,, 139933788513566 $$$$$ 11 2213 05882,,,,,002450088000000 Utilities Subtotal: $ 279,260 $ 129,185 $ 57,644 $ 186,829 $ 304,260 Amenities SFFFFPPPPTRAAOODHiiiaprceeooomofoprrroccfeooorplgeeeeieieipmccllldgal r sniEAAieePRAiatiaasieryxll irttete ySlaats eCt tityPrp unMErr iye D&an mmmBoavp gSnraIég toie ipnMidd rsiSgcut&&nnnsslasosuniaid ttu senr&pSSa&esihsrnteegnp aseMtEccealneriuuqnea ncIrrusicenaiinettinspyytpec mMMeneceaootnnnniotcii ntteSoosurriipnnpggl iReespairs $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1122235 0055568123456 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 000000100000513340000048000000002200000080000000005 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1133 146733356 ,,,,,,,,, 2348111561335 ----04450258902242344011350259 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 11 08124678 ,,,,,,,, 470014461346 -----020011890046070006890007 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 112235 0034661557 ,,,,,,,,,, 0012780156133469 -04446800150024660001440013002579 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1122359 0045558123456 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 000035600000516680000026000000004500005690000000000 Amenities Subtotal: $ 211,873 $ 122,789 $ 60,346 $ 183,135 $ 282,190 Other CCaonptitinalg Renesceyrve $$ 1215,,000202 $$ 2 -74 $$ 1 15,,062020 $$ 1 15,,082724 $$ 2505,,000000 Other Subtotal: $ 36,022 $ 274 $ 16,622 $ 16,896 $ 75,000 Total Operations & Maintenance: $ 1,430,820 $ 657,468 $ 432,381 $ 1,089,849 $ 1,623,033 Total Expenditures $ 1,608,343 $ 774,368 $ 500,347 $ 1,274,715 $ 1,825,286 Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) $ - $ 404,350 $ (361,858) $ 42,492 $ - 2 Product Assessable Units ERU Total ERU's FY25 Net Assessment FY 25 Gross Assessment FY 25 Net Per Unit FY25 Gross Per Unit FY24 Gross Per Unit Increase Phase 1 - Mattamy - Tax SSSSTiiiionnnnwggggllllneeeeh----FFFFoaaaammmmmeiiiillllyyyy 44570055'''' Roll 1669101791 00011.....14689 566810577.4....1236 $$$$$ 5668 11588,,,,,404591023590239 $$$$$ 5679 12459,,,,,513351345600449 $$11$$$,,146890111102859.....2391257924 $$11$$$,,156894670802769.....0673816703 $$11$$$,,024780723948028.....0000000000 $$$$$111123344812289.....0367801367 Total Phase 1 - Mattamy 329 $ 275,333 $ 292,907 Phase 2 - Lennar - Tax Roll SSiinnggllee--FFaammiillyy 3502'' 111125 0.615 7141.725 $$ 1 7153,,757379 $$ 1 8200,,671846 $1$,065183..9734 $1$,070708..9495 $$591834..0000 $$111656..4959 Total Phase 2 - Lennar 227 $ 189,317 $ 201,401 Phase 3 - Lennar - Tax Roll SSTiionnwggllneeh--FFoaammmeiillyy 3502'' 446168 00.6.165 234698..69 $$$ 334078,,,136016013 $$$ 335129,,,247467166 $1$$,066051883...297354 $1$$,067047078...094795 $$$459189348...000000 $$$111146569...049579 Total Phase 2 - Lennar 155 $ 116,074 $ 123,483 Phase 4A/5A - Pulte - Tax Roll SSSMiiinnnugggltlllieee-F---FFFaaaammmmiliiiylllyyy-D 345u002p'''lex 35687778 000.6..1685 3247809.70..685 $$$$ 33480178,,,,013505691679 $$$$ 33491349,,,,089902251257 $1$$$,066801510883....29973594 $1$$$,067804670278....07946795 $$$$457913890348....00000000 $$$$111113462569....04795679 Total Phase 4A/5A - Pulte 249 $ 197,122 $ 209,705 Phase 4B - Pulte - Tax Roll SSSiiinnngggllleee---FFFaaammmiiilllyyy 345002''' 236178 00.6.185 43320.15.45 $$$ 234014,,,128148899 $$$ 234226,,,679468577 $1$$,068151083...997394 $1$$,078067028...794695 $$$579138034...000000 $$$111136256...479569 Total Phase 4B - Pulte 126 $ 96,255 $ 102,399 Phase 5B- Pulte - Direct SMinugltlie-F-Faammiliyly-D 5u0p'lex 6712 0.16 4631.2 $$ 4613,,783948 $$ 4656,,578859 $1$,060183..2754 $1$,064778..0475 $$491938..0000 $$114659..0457 Total Phase 5B - Pulte 133 $ 105,632 $ 112,374 Phase 6 - Lennar - Tax Roll Townhome 61 0.6 37 $ 37,103 $ 39,471 $608.25 $647.07 $498.00 $149.07 Total Phase 6 - Lennar 61 $ 37,103 $ 39,471 Phase 4C - Pulte - Tax Roll TSSSiiionnnwgggnllleeeh---FFFoaaammmmeiiilllyyy 345002''' 123900252 000.6..1685 186351.242.65 $$$$ 13582246,,,,447724470123 $$$$ 13584788,,,,025501230256 $1$$$,066801510883....29973594 $1$$$,067804670278....07946795 $$$$457913890348....00000000 $$$$111113462569....04795679 Total Phase 4C - Pulte 249 $ 186,377 $ 198,273 Phase 7 - Lennar - Tax Roll SSTiionnwggllneeh--FFoaammmeiillyy 3502'' 11912536 00.6.165 71951.7965 $$$ 1 581177,,,075489394 $$$ 1 682165,,,124027022 $1$$,066051883...297354 $1$$,067047078...094795 $$$459189348...000000 $$$111146569...049579 Total Phase 3 & 7 334 $ 256,426 $ 272,794 Total Tax Roll 1280 $ 1,459,638 $ 1,552,806 Phase 8 - Pulte - Direct TSSSiiionnnwgggnllleeeh---FFFoaaammmmeiiilllyyy 345002''' 1168455804 000.6..1685 149180755..58.2 $$$$ 1 48911686,,,,138746680183 $$$$ 11 49021445,,,,012603461789 $1$$$,066801510883....29973594 $1$$$,067804670278....07946795 $$$$0000....00000000 Total Phase 4C - Pulte 447 $ 343,152 $ 365,055 Total Direct 1030 $ 343,152 $ 365,055 Total Assessments 2310 1778 $ 1,802,790 $ 1,917,862 Tohoqua Community Development District General Fund - Increased Assessments 3 Tohoqua Community Development District General Fund Budget tRAThsheeseve D esDsnisimsuttreerinscictt:s t i nw oilrl dleevr yt oa pnaoyn f-oard t vhael oorpeemra taisnsge sesxmpeenndt iotunr aelsl dthuer iansgs tehses afbislcea pl ryoepare.r ty within Cost Share Revenue lebdTAanoehgnvturedeeen srpeldecormaadporp eepiiindenents rtg a ota nyoo r dafewb treuCnheineonefdsdl get eD a cdvSntieseehdtlvdaor em riipclenoaet pitdAnhhe gtpeodar rw aeioanneespemnv edceure orabtnm ylyt t b hmat(uhen“ed eAdrpg g Dcterrihioates.epl et reameirnscettdtyni. m tmTw”a)huit eleltlt h dDib-a fiaetas nntmcrneaiiufcllicytat u lai flnsiarn odtncem opostm r totlhheope eceb arbarttseeoyenda odde ww fwuitnipat ehfoyorisn nr h atatthnhhvideees SRepveeepcnriteassl eoEnpvteesrn aftetsee Rdse bcvoyeln lteuhceet eDdis btryi ctth. e onsite management company related to various special Expenditures: Administrative: SCtmouhe peaeexptrcitvneeigres sdo1.r 9$ F04e,, 8eF0sl o0r pidear Syteaatru pteasid, a tlolo ewasc hfo Sru epaecrhv iBsoora rfodr m theem tbimere t doe rveocteeidv et o$ 2D0is0t rpicetr bmueseintiensgs, annodt SRFuIeCppAer erEvsxeipsnoetnrs s ctehh eec Ekms. p loyer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes withheld from Board of Engineering TvDahisreti orDiucists, t preri.ocgtj.'e sac ttestne agnsidn daeinercere,c tPeaodnu dbl oyps tr h&eep BaBreoanatnrioden tot ,ff oLSruL pCme, ropvnriotshvoliryds e absno gdaer tndhe emr Daeli esettnirnigcgitns M,e erarenivnaigge ewsre . irnvvicoeisc etso atnhde Attorney tTtmhohe eete hB tDeioni asDgtrsrids,i ctportrf'is ecS ptlue, apgerea.agrlt. vc ioaoisntuot enarnsnse ddala n,r nLdecav tetihhe aeawn mD doi, f sLp taurrgiencrpaet a,eM Ermadateneinonatgn &se , f rrBo.e ers aomuludotinniotehn,l sLy,L amPn,e dpe rotoitnhvgiedsr,e rspe rgseeepnaarecrrahat lai losen gd aifrlo esrce tBrevodiac bredys ArTenhcneo urDadilss At oruincd tai tni s arnenquuairl ebda sbiys . FTlhoeri Ddais Strtiacttu itse csu tror eanrrtalyn cgoen ftorra catne din wdeitphe Gndraeun t& a Ausdsiot coifa ittess .f inancial 4 Tohoqua Community Development District General Fund Budget Assessment wlTehviteyh iDanni stdth r eaic dD tAm iidssitm ttrrr aatchttieeo dnc owlliethct iGoonv eorf nnmonen-atdal vMalaonraegmem aessnets Ssemrevnicte os n– aClel natsrsaels Fsalobrlied ap,r oLpLCer ttoy Arbitrage Tca2an0hld2ec u1tDwl aPisothte ra a itsnchette ih4c DaiApis/sa c5ttroeAindc, tt Sbr’seao rAcnitredebsd s i2t ewr0raii2gteh2es . AP RMhebaTsaEete C3 ,L Aai/na6b iAnildi, tSeyep orenine tdsh e2en0 St2 ec3re irPetshif a2ies0de1 p48uB, Sb/el5ircBi ea, sSc ce2or0iu2ens1t 2aPn0ht2a t3soe P a2hn, anSseuera i4lelCys r1TGDe2hoiqs(vesub eeDi)rmr(nie5simmnt) r aeeitcwnnitott hainssil. c rhMe qaruenilaraegtdeem sb eytn ott h eaS dSederivctuiicorenistay l –a nredCp eEonxrttcrihanalg n Fgrleeo qCruiodimrae,m mLiesLnsCito sn c oftoomr cpoluemnterpasl tye twdh eitsbheo Rnrudel epi os1sr5uticen2sg-. TTaPBnhrhoutaneiss cdDteiespi e3sa ttAFthr ee/iacde6tt s Ab iaso, rsSneued er didseee stprh i2oees0s iS2.t ee3rd iP ehwsa 2ist0eh1 48aB , /ST5erBrui,se atsen 2ed 0 Sa2et1 r UiPeShsBa 2sa0en2 k23., SPTehhraeise esc o42sC0t 2 S1apl ePscohi aailsn eAc sl4usAde/se5ssmA f,ee Sneestr Rifeeosvr 2 e0tnw2u2oe Management Fees TMsaedharmenv iaicnDgeieisssmt t rrieanicntcittvl ueArd esgecer erebivevuimectse e san,M rtbe auw ndniagtoghete t Gm plioremveneipttr,ae nrdAma ctteicoono,nt ua,r nale tlMciln ofagirnn daaainngngcedi ma alAe nrnddetmp Sotirnerartisnsvt,si raccaenrtsinip-vuCteiae oln snate urraodvlfii tcFsbel,s ooe ratiarcdds. a ,p mLaLeretC t. ionTfg hsae, sRtsInoyoef sfpottvwrreimemdasearesoet.n i, otcsneo ct Tnco.efs eGctrhsoe nvrneoecllraoinntgmegyd e stneotr atvhl iecMe Dsai, nstacrlgioceutm’dse innsttf oorrSmaegraevt iicosenesr svy–isc teCesem nastn,r wadl h siFcelhrov rienidrcsalu,, dsLeeL cbCuu rtpi taryro,e v anidcoectos l iumtnhitetiensdeg WiaRdLnsLoe esCmpaeb rcspsaecisirtsonmoeer vnreMdientadasntne isetncs,hw ettees ha newclescaosi,unts ewhrtc ssi eete C yabrhs svsaaiiotcpnecetd iesba .ra tf iecr1dke8u ww9p,ais tl,Fhl el ommtcro.ia dGninaiot tvoeSenrtraianntnugmc taeeen,sn d.tu aTmplh dMaeaisntaeents aas,i gnederinmovgciecu tenmhste eS iDnnetrci svlutuircdpiecelsot ’ass–id wtCsee,e nbphtseoriratsfelto i Frcnmrlgoe araaintdnecadde, Telephone Telephone and fax machine. 5 Tohoqua Community Development District General Fund Budget Postage Mailing of agenda packages, overnight deliveries, correspondence, etc. Insurance The District’s general liability and public official’s liability insurance coverage gFolovreirdnam Iennstuarl aangceen ciAelsl.i ance (FIA). FIA specializes in providing insura nisc pe rocvoivdeerda bgey thtoe Printing & Binding sPtraitnitoinnagr ayn, edn bveinlodpinegs eatgce. nda packages for board meetings, printing of computerized checks, Legal Advertising hTehaer iDngisst ,r eictct . iisn ar enqeuwirsepda pteor oafd gveenrteirsael cviarrciuoluasti onno. tices for monthly Board meetings, public Other Current Charges Bank charges and any other miscellaneous expenses incurred during the year. Property Appraiser Fees R epresents fees paid to the Osceola County Property Appraisers Office. Office Supplies Miscellaneous office supplies. Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions fTohre $ D1i7s5tr. i cTth iiss r iesq tuhier eodn ltyo epxapye anns ea nunnudaelr f ethei tso c tahteeg Foloryri fdoar Dtheep aDritsmtreicntt. of Economic Opportunity Operations & Maintenance: Contract Services: aSo FTteinhetrseelvid ntiD ecdMe i fsBasite norilniaadcrgc tdmle ui mmsad neecena oeotgnt neitnsmrigatesce nt aeitnn dods fp w rceeioctcthnei toivrGnaeosc v,at esmn rdfeno ermret itsenhpngeots anD lwd iMs itttorah in pccatro gosneputmecrahretc nyatt oso rSwlsae,nn rmdevrisoc cpneahispt-ooeCnr eaiennn ctgdra aollllafs k Fuaeltno imldriit aedyima na, tacLeiclnLosaC.u n n fctoesr., Amenities Management Tsperhroevv iiDcdeiess t.a r micte nhiatys cceonntterra cmteadn awgietmh eCnotm smeruvnicietys , Aamsseonciiatyti oonp earnadti oLnisfe ssetyrvleic Mesa annadge pmroengrt,a mLLmCi ntog 6 Tohoqua Community Development District General Fund Budget cDLRoiaesnnpttrdrriaescccsta teaepnfdtete s wMr titahthihene U teiennsnstiaittmaenldcalae tL teaidon ndm socaf ailnaptneedsn sfaocnarcp teeh eomsfe at tsheeerri valali cnhedasss. c baepeinn gc owmitphleinte tdh. eT hceo mDimstornic ta irse causr oref ntthlye RLfgmoraeorokp nwterht etMhehslseay ewni nstiintseteh srtnivphnaieec nct echctsieoeo. s nltassk oeafsn .ad Tq/huoear tDitcri semtartaimcntae ignse tcmsu ernrneeten dsteelyrdv citocoen stm rfaoacritn ettdha eiwn D itcihsot nSritucrnto’ssl h loianfk een Lso.a xSnieodru vMsi cavenesag gienetcmaltueiodnnet Description Monthly Annually Phase 1 $6,122 $73,458 Phase 2 and Pond 3 $4,453 $53,432 Cross Prairie Pkwy $3,783 $45,400 Additional 2 Ponds $721 $8,652 Amenity Center $1,796 $21,553 East Cross Prairie Pkwy $3,984 $47,813 Phase 6 $4,002 $48,018 Phase 5 $1,060 $12,720 4 A/4B $4,837 $58,044 Phase 3 $2,901 $34,812 Phase 4C $1,994 $23,928 Phase 4C Amenity $827 $9,920 Phase 7 $5,591 $67,092 Phase 8 $2,021 $24,252 Total $529,094 Description Monthly Annually Phase 1, 2 & 3 Ponds $480 $5,760 Amenity Pond $50 $600 Estimated Phase 4 Ponds $540 $6,480 Estimated Phase 4C Ponds $350 $4,200 Estimated Phase 5 Ponds $140 $1,680 Estimated Phase 7 Ponds $310 $3,720 Estimated Cross Prairie Parkway East $140 $1,680 Dump Fees $200 $2,400 Water Analysis Testing $100 $1,200 Algae Control $2,000 Contingency $5,000 Total $34,720 7 Tohoqua Community Development District General Fund Budget Wetland BsmeioorvnTiiectcoehsr i nMiCngoac. nil nustdueelnt aiqnnugc,ae r Itnecr.l yp rmoaviindteesn amnacien tceonnasnisctei nsge rovfi cheesr boinci dteh et rDeaisttmriecnt’tss wanedtl awndatse. rT lheevseel Pool Maintenance P Roeoplr eSseernvitcse t haen dco Rsetsp oafir r,e Ignucl. a r cleaning of the District’s pool. This service is provided by Roberts Pest Control Tcohnet Droisl.t rict is contracted with Turner Pest Control for integrated pest management and rodent Janitorial Services cTehnet Deri.s trict is contracted with a janitorial company to provide janitorial services for the amenity Repairs & Maintenance Landscape Replacement tRheep friessceanl ytse aers.t imated costs related to the replacement of any landscaping needed throughout Mulch Represents the estimated cost of replacing mulch throughout the District. Tree Removal & Replacement R epresents the estimated costs of removing or replacing trees throughout the year. Description Quarterly Annually Mitigation Maintenance $1,600 $6,400 Water Level Monitoring $800 $3,200 Estimated Project Coordination $2,500 Total $12,100 Description Monthly Annually Main Amenity Center Pool – 5x per week service $1,735 $20,820 Phase 4C $1,625 $19,500 Total $40,320 Description Monthly Annually Pest Control $117 $1,404 Total $1,404 8 Tohoqua Community Development District General Fund Budget Irrigation Repairs The District will incur costs related to repairing and maintaining its irrigation amount is based on estimated costs. systems. The Stormwater Inspections Represents the estimated costs of inspecting the District’s stormwater systems. General Repairs & Maintenance tRherporuegsheonutst tehset iDmisattreidct . costs for the general repairs and maintenance of various facilities Sidewalk Maintenance Tamheo uDnist tirsi cets twimilal tiendc.u r costs related to maintaining the sidewalks within its boundaries. The Signage Represents estimated costs to replace miscellaneous signs throughout the fiscal year. Walls & Monuments Repair R epresents estimated costs of repairing walls and monuments maintained by the District. Pressure Washing R epresents the estimated cost of pressure washing. Fencing Represents estimated costs for maintaining fences during the fiscal year. Utilities: Amenity Center - Electric Represents estimated electric charges for the District’s pool. Amenity Center – Water Represents estimated water charges for the District’s pool. Electric Represents estimated electric charges of common areas throughout the District. Water & Sewer tRherporuegsheonutst theset iDmisattreicdt . costs for water and refuse services provided for common areas 9 Tohoqua Community Development District General Fund Budget Streetlights Represents the cost to maintain streetlights within the District Boundaries that be in place throughout the fiscal year. are expected to Amenities: Property Insurance ifTsoh rpe gr Doovivsietdrrenicdmt bweyni lFtl laiongrceiudnrac ifIeenses.s u troa inncseu Arell iiatenmces (oFwIAn)e. dF bIAy sthpee cDiaislitzreicst ifno rp ritosv pidroinpge rintys unreaendcse. Ccoovveerraaggee PR seoeaopslr oAenst tefeonnrtds t ahthneet ps e osotilm. ated cost of having pool attendants during certain times throughout the operating Facility Maintenance T prhoev Didiset rroicutt hinaes rceopnatirrasc atendd wmiathin Gteonvaenrcnem oenn tthale M Daisntargicetm’s ecnotm Smerovnic aerse –a sC aenndtr aaml Felnoirtiidesa., LLC to Pool Repairs & Maintenance aEgsrtiememateendt . miscellaneous pool maintenance costs not included under the District’s regular pool Pool Permits Represents annual costs of required pool permits paid to the Florida Department of Health. Access Cards & Equipment Supplies Represents the estimated cost for providing and maintaining an access card system. Fire Alarm & Security Monitoring fRaecpilriteiseesn wtsi thesinti mthaet eDdis tcroicstts. of maintaining fire alarm and security systems for the amenity Fire Alarm & Security Monitoring Repairs Represents estimated costs of maintaining and repairing the fire alarm and security systems. Fire Extinguisher Inspections Represents the annual cost of inspecting the fire extinguishers. Amenity Signage R epresents estimated costs to obtain amenity signage necessary throughout the fiscal year. 10 Tohoqua Community Development District General Fund Budget Repairs & Maintenance Represents estimated costs for general repairs and maintenance of the District’s amenities. Office Supplies Represents the cost of daily office supplies required by the District to facilitate operations. Operating Supplies R epresents estimated costs of supplies purchased for operating and maintaining common areas. Doggie Pots Represents the costs of purchasing doggie pots. Special Events aTenvheden oottsnh tsehirtre oi tumegmahnso atugote rtmhuene n ytthe aecrso.em T ephvaeen naymt sf.oo ur ntth ree Dprisetsreinctt sw eisllt icmoaotreddin caotset sa rnedla pterodv tiod esu vpaprliioeuss, n sopteicceiasl, Termite Bond The District will incur annual fees for the termite bonds of its amenity facilities. Holiday Décor The District will incur costs related to the decoration of common areas during the Holidays. Other: Contingency tR heaptr deose nnotts ffiut nindtso aalnloyc sattaendd taor dex cpaetnegseosr yt.h at the District could incur throughout the fiscal year cpTCaarhpepepii ttDaaarlil se aRtdsre sitsceoett r eswvn eois lful trfhuee na dDn niasuntra ialclnyt.n f uuUnapld oainnm gco loeumvnept llsfeo atriro efnu s,t uuthfrfeeic Diceoinssttt.r ricetl amteady thoa vreep al aCcaepmiteanl tR aensde rrveep satiur doyf 11 Adopted Actual Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 5/t3h1r/u24 PMrNooejenxctt th4esd 9/Tt3ho0rt/ua2l4 AFBdYu2odp0gt2ee5td ICTRnraetarvenrerysne fFsuetorer sIwnard Sur plus $$$ 11 15 ,, 06 -2327 $$$ 1 5 , 25 -6023 $$$ 1 , 02 -2620 $$$ 11 15 ,, 027266223 $$$ 25 07 ,, 00 -0407 Total Revenues $ 26,659 $ 15,765 $ 11,282 $ 27,047 $ 77,047 Expenditures Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) $ 26,659 $ 15,765 $ 11,282 $ 27,047 $ 77,047 Tohoqua Community Development District Capital Reserve Fund Fiscal Year 2025 12 Adopted Actual Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 5/t3h1r/u24 PMrNooejenxctt th4esd 9/Tt3ho0rt/ua2l4 AFBdYu2odp0gt2ee5td ISCRnpaeterverceryinea Fsul toAersswseasrsdm Seunr tpslus $$$ 1 37 75 ,, 41 -5088 $$$ 1 37 675,,,603090465 $$$ 2 , 68 -5523 $$$ 1 37 777,,,409595867 $$$ 1 38 73 ,, 43 -5786 Total Revenues $ 212,566 $ 219,005 $ 3,506 $ 222,511 $ 220,834 Expenditures IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt lPP Paaayyymmmeeennntt t-- -01 0155///000111 $$$ 444577,,,000066088 $$$ 444577,,,000066088 $$$ --- $$$ 444577,,,000066088 $$$ 444566,,,000011000 Total Expenditures $ 139,135 $ 139,135 $ - $ 139,135 $ 137,020 Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) $ 73,431 $ 79,870 $ 3,506 $ 83,376 $ 83,814 1. Carry forward surplus is net of Reserves. $44,953 Add: DiscGoruNonsestts AA &sss sCeeossssllmmeceetnniottnss $ $ 1134$768,4,,27537824 Per Unit Per Unit Annual Net Debt Gross Debt Product Type No. of Units Debt Service Assessment Assessment 1366910217919 $$$$$$ 1 3 2234 74588 ,,,,, 4 70456520588832599 $$$$$244571266823348.....0011802368 $$$$$344670036904499.....0235500158 Interest 11/1/25 Tohoqua Community Development District Debt Service Fund - Series 2018 Fiscal Year 2025 SSSSiiiinnnnTggggolllleeeew----FFFFnaaaahmmmmoiiiiullllyyyyse 44570055'''' 13 Tohoqua Community Development District Series 2018 Special Assessment Bonds Amortization Schedule Date Balance Principal Interest Total 11/01/24 1,935,000.00 $ - $ 46,010.00 $ 138,077.50 $ 05/01/25 1,935,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 46,010.00 $ 11/01/25 1,890,000.00 $ - $ 44,952.50 $ 135,962.50 $ 05/01/26 1,890,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 44,952.50 $ 11/01/26 1,845,000.00 $ - $ 43,895.00 $ 133,847.50 $ 05/01/27 1,845,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 43,895.00 $ 11/01/27 1,795,000.00 $ - $ 42,720.00 $ 136,615.00 $ 05/01/28 1,795,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 42,720.00 $ 11/01/28 1,745,000.00 $ - $ 41,545.00 $ 134,265.00 $ 05/01/29 1,745,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 41,545.00 $ 11/01/29 1,690,000.00 $ - $ 40,252.50 $ 136,797.50 $ 05/01/30 1,690,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 40,252.50 $ 11/01/30 1,635,000.00 $ - $ 38,960.00 $ 134,212.50 $ 05/01/31 1,635,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 38,960.00 $ 11/01/31 1,575,000.00 $ - $ 37,550.00 $ 136,510.00 $ 05/01/32 1,575,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 37,550.00 $ 11/01/32 1,515,000.00 $ - $ 36,140.00 $ 133,690.00 $ 05/01/33 1,515,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $ 36,140.00 $ 11/01/33 1,450,000.00 $ - $ 34,612.50 $ 135,752.50 $ 05/01/34 1,450,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 34,612.50 $ 11/01/34 1,380,000.00 $ - $ 32,967.50 $ 137,580.00 $ 05/01/35 1,380,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 32,967.50 $ 11/01/35 1,310,000.00 $ - $ 31,322.50 $ 134,290.00 $ 05/01/36 1,310,000.00 $ 75,000.00 $ 31,322.50 $ 11/01/36 1,235,000.00 $ - $ 29,560.00 $ 135,882.50 $ 05/01/37 1,235,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 29,560.00 $ 11/01/37 1,155,000.00 $ - $ 27,680.00 $ 137,240.00 $ 05/01/38 1,155,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 27,680.00 $ 11/01/38 1,075,000.00 $ - $ 25,800.00 $ 133,480.00 $ 05/01/39 1,075,000.00 $ 85,000.00 $ 25,800.00 $ 11/01/39 990,000.00 $ - $ 23,760.00 $ 134,560.00 $ 05/01/40 990,000.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 23,760.00 $ 11/01/40 900,000.00 $ - $ 21,600.00 $ 135,360.00 $ 05/01/41 900,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 21,600.00 $ 11/01/41 805,000.00 $ - $ 19,320.00 $ 135,920.00 $ 05/01/42 805,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 19,320.00 $ 11/01/42 705,000.00 $ - $ 16,920.00 $ 136,240.00 $ 05/01/43 705,000.00 $ 105,000.00 $ 16,920.00 $ 11/01/43 600,000.00 $ - $ 14,400.00 $ 136,320.00 $ 05/01/44 600,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 14,400.00 $ 11/01/44 490,000.00 $ - $ 11,760.00 $ 136,160.00 $ 05/01/45 490,000.00 $ 115,000.00 $ 11,760.00 $ 11/01/45 375,000.00 $ - $ 9,000.00 $ 135,760.00 $ 05/01/46 375,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 11/01/46 255,000.00 $ - $ 6,120.00 $ 135,120.00 $ 05/01/47 255,000.00 $ 125,000.00 $ 6,120.00 $ 11/01/47 130,000.00 $ - $ 3,120.00 $ 134,240.00 $ 05/01/48 130,000.00 $ 130,000.00 $ 3,120.00 $ 133,120.00 $ 1,980,000.00 $ 1,454,070.00 $ 3,522,077.50 $ 14 Adopted Actual Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 5/t3h1r/u24 PMrNooejenxctt th4esd 9/Tt3ho0rt/ua2l4 AFBdYu2odp0gt2ee5td ISCRnpaeterverceryinea Fsul toAersswseasrsdm Seunr tpslus $$$ 1 45 41 ,, 75 -6842 $$$ 1 45 334,,,827742018 $$$ 2 , 38 -6944 $$$ 1 45 437,,,720649412 $$$ 1 46 42 ,, 76 -6646 Total Revenues $ 196,346 $ 201,839 $ 3,258 $ 205,097 $ 207,430 Expenditures IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt lPP Paaayyymmmeeennntt t-- -01 0155///000111 $$$ 445335,,,077011066 $$$ 445335,,,077011066 $$$ --- $$$ 445335,,,077011066 $$$ 445335,,,000066033 Total Expenditures $ 142,431 $ 142,431 $ - $ 142,431 $ 141,125 Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) $ 53,915 $ 59,407 $ 3,258 $ 62,666 $ 66,305 1. Carry forward surplus is net of Reserves. $42,409 Add: DiscGoruNonsestts AA &sss sCeeossssllmmeceetnniottnss $$1145$449,7,,02604440 Per Unit Per Unit Annual Net Debt Gross Debt Product Type No. of Units Debt Service Assessment Assessment 112112257 $$$ 1 4 58467,,,789624404 $$570735..1878 $$582346..0636 SSiinnggllee--FFaammiillyy 3502'' Tohoqua Community Development District Debt Service Fund - Series 2021 Phase 2 Fiscal Year 2025 Interest 11/1/25 15 Tohoqua Community Development District Series 2021 Special Assessment Bonds Phase 2 Project Amortization Schedule Date Balance Principal Interest Total 11/01/24 2,415,000.00 $ - $ 43,062.50 $ 141,778.13 $ 05/01/25 2,415,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 43,062.50 $ 11/01/25 2,300,000.00 $ - $ 42,409.38 $ 140,471.88 $ 05/01/26 2,300,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 42,409.38 $ 11/01/26 2,300,000.00 $ - $ 41,696.88 $ 144,106.25 $ 05/01/27 2,300,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 41,696.88 $ 11/01/27 2,240,000.00 $ - $ 40,834.38 $ 142,531.25 $ 05/01/28 2,240,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 40,834.38 $ 11/01/28 2,180,000.00 $ - $ 39,971.88 $ 140,806.25 $ 05/01/29 2,180,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $ 39,971.88 $ 11/01/29 2,115,000.00 $ - $ 39,037.50 $ 144,009.38 $ 05/01/30 2,115,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $ 39,037.50 $ 11/01/30 2,050,000.00 $ - $ 38,103.13 $ 142,140.63 $ 05/01/31 2,050,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $ 38,103.13 $ 11/01/31 1,985,000.00 $ - $ 37,168.75 $ 140,271.88 $ 05/01/32 1,985,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 37,168.75 $ 11/01/32 1,915,000.00 $ - $ 35,987.50 $ 143,156.25 $ 05/01/33 1,915,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 35,987.50 $ 11/01/33 1,845,000.00 $ - $ 34,806.25 $ 140,793.75 $ 05/01/34 1,845,000.00 $ 75,000.00 $ 34,806.25 $ 11/01/34 1,770,000.00 $ - $ 33,540.63 $ 143,346.88 $ 05/01/35 1,770,000.00 $ 75,000.00 $ 33,540.63 $ 11/01/35 1,695,000.00 $ - $ 32,275.00 $ 140,815.63 $ 05/01/36 1,695,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 32,275.00 $ 11/01/36 1,615,000.00 $ - $ 30,925.00 $ 143,200.00 $ 05/01/37 1,615,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 30,925.00 $ 11/01/37 1,535,000.00 $ - $ 29,575.00 $ 140,500.00 $ 05/01/38 1,535,000.00 $ 85,000.00 $ 29,575.00 $ 11/01/38 1,450,000.00 $ - $ 28,140.63 $ 142,715.63 $ 05/01/39 1,450,000.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 28,140.63 $ 11/01/39 1,360,000.00 $ - $ 26,621.88 $ 144,762.50 $ 05/01/40 1,360,000.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 26,621.88 $ 11/01/40 1,175,000.00 $ - $ 25,103.13 $ 141,725.00 $ 05/01/41 1,175,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 25,103.13 $ 11/01/41 1,175,000.00 $ - $ 23,500.00 $ 143,603.13 $ 05/01/42 1,175,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 23,500.00 $ 11/01/42 1,080,000.00 $ - $ 21,600.00 $ 140,100.00 $ 05/01/43 1,080,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 21,600.00 $ 11/01/43 980,000.00 $ - $ 19,600.00 $ 141,200.00 $ 05/01/44 980,000.00 $ 105,000.00 $ 19,600.00 $ 11/01/44 875,000.00 $ - $ 17,500.00 $ 142,100.00 $ 05/01/45 875,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 17,500.00 $ 11/01/45 765,000.00 $ - $ 15,300.00 $ 142,800.00 $ 05/01/46 765,000.00 $ 115,000.00 $ 15,300.00 $ 11/01/46 650,000.00 $ - $ 13,000.00 $ 143,300.00 $ 05/01/47 650,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 13,000.00 $ 11/01/47 530,000.00 $ - $ 10,600.00 $ 143,600.00 $ 05/01/48 530,000.00 $ 125,000.00 $ 10,600.00 $ - $ 11/01/48 405,000.00 $ - $ 8,100.00 $ 143,700.00 $ 05/01/49 405,000.00 $ 130,000.00 $ 8,100.00 $ - $ 11/01/49 275,000.00 $ - $ 5,500.00 $ 143,600.00 $ 05/01/50 275,000.00 $ 135,000.00 $ 5,500.00 $ - $ 11/1/50 140,000.00 $ - $ 2,800.00 $ 143,300.00 $ 5/1/51 140,000.00 $ 140,000.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 142,800.00 $ 2,470,000.00 $ 1,560,950.00 $ 4,130,318.75 $ 16 Adopted Actual Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 5/t3h1r/u24 PMrNooejenxctt th4esd 9/Tt3ho0rt/ua2l4 AFBdYu2odp0gt2ee5td ISCRnpaeterverceryinea Fsul toAersswseasrsdm Seunr tpslus $$$ 1 55 02 ,, 79 -0100 $$$ 1 45 944,,,768636943 $$$ 2 , 49 -3321 $$$ 1 55 047,,,762039045 $$$ 1 56 04 ,, 73 -0109 Total Revenues $ 203,610 $ 209,266 $ 3,363 $ 212,629 $ 215,019 Expenditures IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt lPP Paaayyymmmeeennntt t-- -01 0155///000111 $$$ 445566,,,066055055 $$$ 445566,,,066055055 $$$ --- $$$ 445566,,,066055055 $$$ 445555,,,099066088 Total Expenditures $ 148,310 $ 148,310 $ - $ 148,310 $ 146,935 Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) $ 55,300 $ 60,956 $ 3,363 $ 64,319 $ 68,084 1. Carry forward surplus is net of Reserves. $45,280 Add: DiscGoruNonsestts AA &sss sCeeossssllmmeceetnniottnss $$1156$009,7,,36011099 Per Unit Per Unit Annual Net Debt Gross Debt Product Type No. of Units Debt Service Assessment Assessment 23568477789 $$$$$ 1 5 223601278,,,,,746790122400046 $$$$456702670355....00071116 $$$$456823594459....45691889 MulSSStiiii-nnnFgggalllmeee---iFFFlyaaa-mmmDiiiulllyyyp 345le002x''' 33' Tohoqua Community Development District Debt Service Fund - Series 2021 Phase 4A/5A Fiscal Year 2025 Interest 11/1/25 17 Tohoqua Community Development District Series 2021 Special Assessment Bonds Phase 4A/5A Project Amortization Schedule Date Balance Principal Interest Total 11/01/24 2,495,000.00 $ - $ 45,967.50 $ 147,622.50 $ 05/01/25 2,495,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 45,967.50 $ 11/01/25 2,380,000.00 $ - $ 45,280.00 $ 146,247.50 $ 05/01/26 2,380,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 45,280.00 $ 11/01/26 2,380,000.00 $ - $ 44,530.00 $ 149,810.00 $ 05/01/27 2,380,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 44,530.00 $ 11/01/27 2,320,000.00 $ - $ 43,592.50 $ 148,122.50 $ 05/01/28 2,320,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 43,592.50 $ 11/01/28 2,260,000.00 $ - $ 42,655.00 $ 146,247.50 $ 05/01/29 2,260,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $ 42,655.00 $ 11/01/29 2,195,000.00 $ - $ 41,639.38 $ 149,294.38 $ 05/01/30 2,195,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $ 41,639.38 $ 11/01/30 2,130,000.00 $ - $ 40,623.75 $ 147,263.13 $ 05/01/31 2,130,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 40,623.75 $ 11/01/31 2,060,000.00 $ - $ 39,530.00 $ 150,153.75 $ 05/01/32 2,060,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 39,530.00 $ 11/01/32 1,990,000.00 $ - $ 38,270.00 $ 147,800.00 $ 05/01/33 1,990,000.00 $ 75,000.00 $ 38,270.00 $ 11/01/33 1,915,000.00 $ - $ 36,920.00 $ 150,190.00 $ 05/01/34 1,915,000.00 $ 75,000.00 $ 36,920.00 $ 11/01/34 1,840,000.00 $ - $ 35,570.00 $ 147,490.00 $ 05/01/35 1,840,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 35,570.00 $ 11/01/35 1,760,000.00 $ - $ 34,130.00 $ 149,700.00 $ 05/01/36 1,760,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 34,130.00 $ 11/01/36 1,680,000.00 $ - $ 32,690.00 $ 146,820.00 $ 05/01/37 1,680,000.00 $ 85,000.00 $ 32,690.00 $ 11/01/37 1,595,000.00 $ - $ 31,160.00 $ 148,850.00 $ 05/01/38 1,595,000.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 31,160.00 $ 11/01/38 1,505,000.00 $ - $ 29,540.00 $ 150,700.00 $ 05/01/39 1,505,000.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 29,540.00 $ 11/01/39 1,415,000.00 $ - $ 27,920.00 $ 147,460.00 $ 05/01/40 1,415,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 27,920.00 $ 11/01/40 1,320,000.00 $ - $ 26,210.00 $ 149,130.00 $ 05/01/41 1,320,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 26,210.00 $ 11/01/41 1,225,000.00 $ - $ 24,500.00 $ 145,710.00 $ 05/01/42 1,225,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 24,500.00 $ 11/01/42 1,125,000.00 $ - $ 22,500.00 $ 147,000.00 $ 05/01/43 1,125,000.00 $ 105,000.00 $ 22,500.00 $ 11/01/43 1,020,000.00 $ - $ 20,400.00 $ 147,900.00 $ 05/01/44 1,020,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 20,400.00 $ 11/01/44 910,000.00 $ - $ 18,200.00 $ 148,600.00 $ 05/01/45 910,000.00 $ 115,000.00 $ 18,200.00 $ 11/01/45 795,000.00 $ - $ 15,900.00 $ 149,100.00 $ 05/01/46 795,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 15,900.00 $ 11/01/46 675,000.00 $ - $ 13,500.00 $ 149,400.00 $ 05/01/47 675,000.00 $ 125,000.00 $ 13,500.00 $ 11/01/47 550,000.00 $ - $ 11,000.00 $ 149,500.00 $ 05/01/48 550,000.00 $ 130,000.00 $ 11,000.00 $ 11/01/48 420,000.00 $ - $ 8,400.00 $ 149,400.00 $ 05/01/49 420,000.00 $ 135,000.00 $ 8,400.00 $ 11/01/49 285,000.00 $ - $ 5,700.00 $ 149,100.00 $ 05/01/50 285,000.00 $ 140,000.00 $ 5,700.00 $ 11/01/50 145,000.00 $ - $ 2,900.00 $ 148,600.00 $ 05/01/51 145,000.00 $ 145,000.00 $ 2,900.00 $ 147,900.00 $ 2,550,000.00 $ 1,651,766.25 $ 4,304,108.75 $ 18 Adopted Actual Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 5/t3h1r/u24 PMrNooejenxctt th4esd 9/Tt3ho0rt/ua2l4 AFBdYu2odp0gt2ee5td ISCRnpaeterverceryinea Fsul toAersswseasrsdm Seunr tpslus $$$ 1 56 03 ,, 98 -5203 $$$ 1 56 044,,,000101620 $$$ 2 , 09 -0354 $$$ 1 56 046,,,900501025 $$$ 1 56 05 ,, 91 -5303 Total Revenues $ 214,773 $ 218,028 $ 2,939 $ 220,967 $ 216,083 Expenditures IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt lPP Paaayyymmmeeennntt t-- -01 0155///000111 $$$ 366000,,,022000044 $$$ 366000,,,022000044 $$$ --- $$$ 366000,,,022000044 $$$ 355099,,,044055044 Total Expenditures $ 150,408 $ 150,408 $ - $ 150,408 $ 148,908 Other Financing Sources/(Uses) Transfer In/(Out) $ - $ (5,426) $ - $ (5,426) $ - Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) $ - $ (5,426) $ - $ (5,426) $ - Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) $ 64,365 $ 62,194 $ 2,939 $ 65,133 $ 67,176 1. Carry forward surplus is net of Reserves. $58,704 Add: DiscouNnetts A &s sCeossllmecetniotns $1$516$090,9,,56583055 Per Unit Per Unit Annual Net Debt Gross Debt Product Type No. of Units Debt Service Assessment Assessment 1244126826 $$$$ 1 5 3460479,,,,923351390578 $$$138,3583678..48.2563 $$$149,4112123..16.6125 SSiinnTgglloeew--FFnaahmmoiimllyye 3502'' Tohoqua Community Development District Debt Service Fund - Series 2022 Phase 3A/6A Fiscal Year 2025 Interest 11/1/25 Gross Assessments 19 Tohoqua Community Development District Series 2022 Special Assessment Bonds (Phase 3/6) Amortization Schedule DATE BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 11/01/24 2,090,000.00 $ - $ 59,453.75 $ 149,657.50 $ 05/01/25 2,090,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 59,453.75 $ - $ 11/01/25 2,060,000.00 $ - $ 58,703.75 $ 148,157.50 $ 05/01/26 2,060,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 58,703.75 $ - $ 11/01/26 2,030,000.00 $ - $ 57,953.75 $ 146,657.50 $ 05/01/27 2,030,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 57,953.75 $ - $ 11/01/27 1,995,000.00 $ - $ 57,078.75 $ 150,032.50 $ 05/01/28 1,995,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 57,078.75 $ - $ 11/01/28 1,960,000.00 $ - $ 56,203.75 $ 148,282.50 $ 05/01/29 1,960,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 56,203.75 $ - $ 11/01/29 1,925,000.00 $ - $ 55,328.75 $ 146,532.50 $ 05/01/30 1,925,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 55,328.75 $ - $ 11/01/30 1,800,000.00 $ - $ 54,328.75 $ 149,657.50 $ 05/01/31 1,800,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 54,328.75 $ - $ 11/01/31 1,800,000.00 $ - $ 53,328.75 $ 147,657.50 $ 05/01/32 1,800,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 53,328.75 $ - $ 11/01/32 1,800,000.00 $ - $ 52,203.75 $ 150,532.50 $ 05/01/33 1,800,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 52,203.75 $ - $ 11/01/33 1,755,000.00 $ - $ 50,921.25 $ 148,125.00 $ 05/01/34 1,755,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,921.25 $ - $ 11/01/34 1,705,000.00 $ - $ 49,496.25 $ 150,417.50 $ 05/01/35 1,705,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 49,496.25 $ - $ 11/01/35 1,655,000.00 $ - $ 48,071.25 $ 147,567.50 $ 05/01/36 1,655,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 48,071.25 $ - $ 11/01/36 1,600,000.00 $ - $ 46,503.75 $ 149,575.00 $ 05/01/37 1,600,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 46,503.75 $ - $ 11/01/37 1,545,000.00 $ - $ 44,936.25 $ 146,440.00 $ 05/01/38 1,545,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 44,936.25 $ - $ 11/01/38 1,485,000.00 $ - $ 43,226.25 $ 148,162.50 $ 05/01/39 1,485,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $ 43,226.25 $ - $ 11/01/39 1,420,000.00 $ - $ 41,373.75 $ 149,600.00 $ 05/01/40 1,420,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 41,373.75 $ - $ 11/01/40 1,205,000.00 $ - $ 39,378.75 $ 150,752.50 $ 05/01/41 1,205,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 39,378.75 $ - $ 11/01/41 1,205,000.00 $ - $ 37,383.75 $ 146,762.50 $ 05/01/42 1,205,000.00 $ 75,000.00 $ 37,383.75 $ - $ 11/01/42 1,205,000.00 $ - $ 35,246.25 $ 147,630.00 $ 05/01/43 1,205,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 35,246.25 $ - $ 11/01/43 1,125,000.00 $ - $ 32,906.25 $ 148,152.50 $ 05/01/44 1,125,000.00 $ 85,000.00 $ 32,906.25 $ - $ 11/01/44 1,040,000.00 $ - $ 30,420.00 $ 148,326.25 $ 05/01/45 1,040,000.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 30,420.00 $ - $ 11/01/45 950,000.00 $ - $ 27,787.50 $ 148,207.50 $ 05/01/46 950,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 27,787.50 $ - $ 11/01/46 855,000.00 $ - $ 25,008.75 $ 147,796.25 $ 05/01/47 855,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 25,008.75 $ - $ 11/01/47 755,000.00 $ - $ 22,083.75 $ 147,092.50 $ 05/01/48 755,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 22,083.75 $ - $ 11/01/48 645,000.00 $ - $ 18,866.25 $ 150,950.00 $ 05/01/49 645,000.00 $ 115,000.00 $ 18,866.25 $ - $ 11/01/49 530,000.00 $ - $ 15,502.50 $ 149,368.75 $ 05/01/50 530,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 15,502.50 $ - $ 11/01/50 410,000.00 $ - $ 11,992.50 $ 147,495.00 $ 05/01/51 410,000.00 $ 130,000.00 $ 11,992.50 $ - $ 11/01/51 280,000.00 $ - $ 8,190.00 $ 150,182.50 $ 05/01/52 280,000.00 $ 135,000.00 $ 8,190.00 $ - $ 11/01/52 145,000.00 $ - $ 4,241.25 $ 147,431.25 $ 05/01/53 145,000.00 $ 145,000.00 $ 4,241.25 $ 149,241.25 $ 2,120,000.00 $ 2,396,647.50 $ 4,575,847.85 $ 20 Adopted Actual Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 5/t3h1r/u24 PMrNooejenxctt th4esd 9/Tt3ho0rt/ua2l4 AFBdYu2odp0gt2ee5td ISCRnpaeterverceryinea Fsul toAersswseasrsdm Seunr tpslus $$$ 1 56 422,,,104951927 $$$ 1 56 313,,,249459612 $$$ 1 , 99 -9563 $$$ 1 56 415,,,149958919 $$$ 1 56 45 ,, 12 -9893 Total Revenues $ 218,669 $ 218,690 $ 2,949 $ 221,639 $ 219,482 Expenditures IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt lPP Paaayyymmmeeennntt t-- -01 0155///000111 $$$ 366000,,,022022088 $$$ 366000,,,022022088 $$$ --- $$$ 366000,,,022022088 $$$ 355599,,,055055033 Total Expenditures $ 150,455 $ 150,455 $ - $ 150,455 $ 154,105 Other Financing Sources/(Uses) Transfer In/(Out) $ - $ (4,502) $ (1,400) $ (5,902) $ - Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) $ - $ (4,502) $ (1,400) $ (5,902) $ - Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) $ 68,214 $ 63,733 $ 1,549 $ 65,283 $ 65,377 1. Carry forward surplus is net of Reserves. $58,765 Add: DiscGoruNonsestts AA &sss sCeeossssllmmeceetnniottnss $$1156$449,1,,08944912 Per Unit Per Unit Annual Net Debt Gross Debt Product Type No. of Units Debt Service Assessment Assessment 23678522789 $$$$$ 1 5 233643333,,,,,144579234990289 $$$$456701673449....22452789 $$$$456823593458....24791226 MulSSStiiii-nnnFgggalllmeee---iFFFlyaaa-mmmDiiiulllyyyp 345le002x''' 33' Tohoqua Community Development District Debt Service Fund - Series 2023 Phase 4B/5B Fiscal Year 2025 Interest 11/1/25 21 Tohoqua Community Development District Series 2023 Special Assessment Bonds Phase 4B/5B Project Amortization Schedule Date Balance Principal Interest Total 11/01/24 2,200,000.00 $ - $ 59,552.50 $ 149,780.00 $ 05/01/25 2,200,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 59,552.50 $ 11/01/25 2,165,000.00 $ - $ 58,765.00 $ 153,317.50 $ 05/01/26 2,165,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 58,765.00 $ 11/01/26 2,130,000.00 $ - $ 57,977.50 $ 151,742.50 $ 05/01/27 2,130,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 57,977.50 $ 11/01/27 2,095,000.00 $ - $ 57,190.00 $ 150,167.50 $ 05/01/28 2,095,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 57,190.00 $ 11/01/28 2,055,000.00 $ - $ 56,290.00 $ 153,480.00 $ 05/01/29 2,055,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 56,290.00 $ 11/01/29 2,015,000.00 $ - $ 55,390.00 $ 151,680.00 $ 05/01/30 2,015,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 55,390.00 $ 11/01/30 1,975,000.00 $ - $ 54,490.00 $ 149,880.00 $ 05/01/31 1,975,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 54,490.00 $ 11/01/31 1,930,000.00 $ - $ 53,275.00 $ 152,765.00 $ 05/01/32 1,930,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 53,275.00 $ 11/01/32 1,885,000.00 $ - $ 52,060.00 $ 150,335.00 $ 05/01/33 1,885,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 52,060.00 $ 11/01/33 1,835,000.00 $ - $ 50,710.00 $ 152,770.00 $ 05/01/34 1,835,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,710.00 $ 11/01/34 1,785,000.00 $ - $ 49,360.00 $ 150,070.00 $ 05/01/35 1,785,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 49,360.00 $ 11/01/35 1,730,000.00 $ - $ 47,875.00 $ 152,235.00 $ 05/01/36 1,730,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 47,875.00 $ 11/01/36 1,670,000.00 $ - $ 46,255.00 $ 154,130.00 $ 05/01/37 1,670,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 46,255.00 $ 11/01/37 1,610,000.00 $ - $ 44,635.00 $ 150,890.00 $ 05/01/38 1,610,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $ 44,635.00 $ 11/01/38 1,545,000.00 $ - $ 42,880.00 $ 152,515.00 $ 05/01/39 1,545,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 42,880.00 $ 11/01/39 1,475,000.00 $ - $ 40,990.00 $ 153,870.00 $ 05/01/40 1,475,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 40,990.00 $ 11/01/40 1,405,000.00 $ - $ 39,100.00 $ 150,090.00 $ 05/01/41 1,405,000.00 $ 75,000.00 $ 39,100.00 $ 11/01/41 1,250,000.00 $ - $ 37,075.00 $ 151,175.00 $ 05/01/42 1,165,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 37,075.00 $ 11/01/42 1,165,000.00 $ - $ 34,915.00 $ 151,990.00 $ 05/01/43 1,165,000.00 $ 85,000.00 $ 34,915.00 $ 11/01/43 1,165,000.00 $ - $ 32,620.00 $ 152,535.00 $ 05/01/44 1,165,000.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 32,620.00 $ 11/01/44 1,075,000.00 $ - $ 30,100.00 $ 152,720.00 $ 05/01/45 1,075,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 30,100.00 $ 11/01/45 980,000.00 $ - $ 27,440.00 $ 152,540.00 $ 05/01/46 980,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 27,440.00 $ 11/01/46 880,000.00 $ - $ 24,640.00 $ 152,080.00 $ 05/01/47 880,000.00 $ 105,000.00 $ 24,640.00 $ 11/01/47 775,000.00 $ - $ 21,700.00 $ 151,340.00 $ 05/01/48 775,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 21,700.00 $ 11/01/48 665,000.00 $ - $ 18,620.00 $ 150,320.00 $ 05/01/49 665,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 18,620.00 $ 11/01/49 545,000.00 $ - $ 15,260.00 $ 153,880.00 $ 05/01/50 545,000.00 $ 125,000.00 $ 15,260.00 $ 11/01/50 420,000.00 $ - $ 11,760.00 $ 152,020.00 $ 05/01/51 420,000.00 $ 130,000.00 $ 11,760.00 $ - $ 11/01/51 290,000.00 $ - $ 8,120.00 $ 149,880.00 $ 05/01/52 290,000.00 $ 140,000.00 $ 8,120.00 $ - $ 11/01/52 150,000.00 $ - $ 4,200.00 $ 152,320.00 $ 05/01/53 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 154,200.00 $ 2,230,000.00 $ 2,386,945.00 $ 4,632,336.47 $ 22 Adopted Actual Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 5/t3h1r/u24 PMrNooejenxctt th4esd 9/Tt3ho0rt/ua2l4 AFBdYu2odp0gt2ee5td ISCRnpaeterverceryinea Fsul toAersswseasrsdm Seunr tpslus $$$ --- $$$ 1 2 45 ,, 08 -0624 $$$ 1 , 7 --27 $$$ 1 21 47 ,, 05 -0921 $$$ 1 47 24 ,, 33 -0876 Total Revenues $ - $ 129,866 $ 11,727 $ 141,593 $ 216,693 Expenditures IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt lPP Paaayyymmmeeennntt t-- -01 0155///000111 $$$ --- $$$ 15 06 ,, 47 -1925 $$$ --- $$$ 15 06 ,, 47 -1925 $$$ 255566,,,077099055 Total Expenditures $ - $ 67,207 $ - $ 67,207 $ 138,590 Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) $ - $ 62,659 $ 11,727 $ 74,386 $ 78,103 1. Carry forward surplus is net of Reserves. $56,170 Add: DiscGoruNonsestts AA &sss sCeeossssllmmeceetnniottnss $$1145$219,3,,30098713 Per Unit Per Unit Annual Net Debt Gross Debt Product Type No. of Units Debt Service Assessment Assessment 122390402529 $$$$$ 1 4 124621234,,,,,315770667972889 $$$$456701673449....01242334 $$$$456823593458....02474567 SSSiiinnnTgggollleeew---FFFnaaahmmmoiiiulllyyyse 345002''' Tohoqua Community Development District Debt Service Fund - Series 2023 Phase 4C Fiscal Year 2025 Interest 11/1/25 23 Tohoqua Community Development District Series 2023 Special Assessment Bonds Phase 4C Project Area 6 Amortization Schedule Date Balance Principal Interest Total 11/01/24 1,990,000.00 $ - $ 56,795.00 $ 113,590.00 $ 05/01/25 1,990,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 56,795.00 $ 11/01/25 1,965,000.00 $ - $ 56,170.00 $ 137,965.00 $ 05/01/26 1,965,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 56,170.00 $ 11/01/26 1,935,000.00 $ - $ 55,420.00 $ 141,590.00 $ 05/01/27 1,935,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 55,420.00 $ 11/01/27 1,905,000.00 $ - $ 54,670.00 $ 140,090.00 $ 05/01/28 1,905,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 54,670.00 $ 11/01/28 1,875,000.00 $ - $ 53,920.00 $ 138,590.00 $ 05/01/29 1,875,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 53,920.00 $ 11/01/29 1,840,000.00 $ - $ 53,045.00 $ 141,965.00 $ 05/01/30 1,840,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 53,045.00 $ 11/01/30 1,690,000.00 $ - $ 52,170.00 $ 140,215.00 $ 05/01/31 1,690,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 52,170.00 $ 11/01/31 1,690,000.00 $ - $ 51,295.00 $ 138,465.00 $ 05/01/32 1,690,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 51,295.00 $ 11/01/32 1,690,000.00 $ - $ 50,295.00 $ 141,590.00 $ 05/01/33 1,690,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 50,295.00 $ 11/01/33 1,690,000.00 $ - $ 49,295.00 $ 139,590.00 $ 05/01/34 1,690,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 49,295.00 $ 11/01/34 1,645,000.00 $ - $ 48,012.50 $ 142,307.50 $ 05/01/35 1,645,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 48,012.50 $ 11/01/35 1,600,000.00 $ - $ 46,730.00 $ 139,742.50 $ 05/01/36 1,600,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 46,730.00 $ 11/01/36 1,550,000.00 $ - $ 45,305.00 $ 142,035.00 $ 05/01/37 1,550,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 45,305.00 $ 11/01/37 1,500,000.00 $ - $ 43,880.00 $ 139,185.00 $ 05/01/38 1,500,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 43,880.00 $ 11/01/38 1,445,000.00 $ - $ 42,312.50 $ 141,192.50 $ 05/01/39 1,445,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 42,312.50 $ 11/01/39 1,390,000.00 $ - $ 40,745.00 $ 138,057.50 $ 05/01/40 1,390,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 40,745.00 $ 11/01/40 1,330,000.00 $ - $ 39,035.00 $ 139,780.00 $ 05/01/41 1,330,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $ 39,035.00 $ 11/01/41 1,200,000.00 $ - $ 37,182.50 $ 141,217.50 $ 05/01/42 1,130,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $ 37,182.50 $ 11/01/42 1,130,000.00 $ - $ 35,330.00 $ 137,512.50 $ 05/01/43 1,130,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 35,330.00 $ 11/01/43 1,130,000.00 $ - $ 33,335.00 $ 138,665.00 $ 05/01/44 1,130,000.00 $ 75,000.00 $ 33,335.00 $ 11/01/44 1,055,000.00 $ - $ 31,122.50 $ 139,457.50 $ 05/01/45 1,055,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 31,122.50 $ 11/01/45 975,000.00 $ - $ 28,762.50 $ 139,885.00 $ 05/01/46 975,000.00 $ 85,000.00 $ 28,762.50 $ 11/01/46 890,000.00 $ - $ 26,255.00 $ 140,017.50 $ 05/01/47 890,000.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 26,255.00 $ 11/01/47 800,000.00 $ - $ 23,600.00 $ 139,855.00 $ 05/01/48 800,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 23,600.00 $ 11/01/48 705,000.00 $ - $ 20,797.50 $ 139,397.50 $ 05/01/49 705,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 20,797.50 $ 11/01/49 605,000.00 $ - $ 17,847.50 $ 138,645.00 $ 05/01/50 605,000.00 $ 105,000.00 $ 17,847.50 $ 11/01/50 500,000.00 $ - $ 14,750.00 $ 137,597.50 $ 05/01/51 500,000.00 $ 115,000.00 $ 14,750.00 $ - $ 11/01/51 385,000.00 $ - $ 11,357.50 $ 141,107.50 $ 05/01/52 385,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 11,357.50 $ - $ 11/01/52 265,000.00 $ - $ 7,817.50 $ 139,175.00 $ 05/01/53 265,000.00 $ 130,000.00 $ 7,817.50 $ - $ 11/01/53 135,000.00 $ - $ 3,982.50 $ 141,800.00 $ 05/01/54 135,000.00 $ 135,000.00 $ 3,982.50 $ 138,982.50 $ 1,990,000.00 $ 2,319,265.00 $ 4,309,265.00 $ 24 Adopted Actual Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 5/t3h1r/u24 PMrNooejenxctt th4esd 9/Tt3ho0rt/ua2l4 AFBdYu2odp0gt2ee5td SCRpaeervrceyina Ful oAersswseasrsdm Seunr tpslus $$ -- $$ -- $$ -- $$ -- $$ 3 2949,,141600 Total Revenues $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 423,570 Expenditures IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt lPP Paaayyymmmeeennntt t-- -01 0155///000111 $$$ --- $$$ --- $$$ --- $$$ --- $$$ 1 269759,,,804706700 Total Expenditures $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 292,337 Other Financing Sources/(Uses) Bond Proceeds $ - $ - $ 261,515 $ 261,515 $ - Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) $ - $ - $ 261,515 $ 261,515 $ - Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) $ - $ - $ 261,515 $ 261,515 $ 131,233 1. Carry forward surplus is net of Reserves. $126,414 Add: DiscGoruNonsestts AA &sss sCeeossssllmmeceetnniottnss $$33$242440,1,,76198088 Per Unit Per Unit Annual Net Debt Gross Debt Product Type No. of Units Debt Service Assessment Assessment 11391235346 $$$$ 113 2 6054355,,,,123511350479 $$$168,3563698..03.0478 $$$179,4112113..07.4459 SSiinnTggolleew--FFnaahmmouiillyyse 3502'' Tohoqua Community Development District Debt Service Fund - Series 2024 Phase 7 Fiscal Year 2025 Interest 11/1/25 25 Tohoqua Community Development District Series 2024 Special Assessment Bonds Phase 7 Amortization Schedule Date Balance Principal Interest Total 11/01/24 4,720,000.00 $ - $ 99,459.79 $ 99,459.79 $ 05/01/25 4,720,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $ 127,876.88 $ 11/01/25 4,655,000.00 $ - $ 126,414.38 $ 319,291.25 $ 05/01/26 4,655,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 126,414.38 $ 11/01/26 4,585,000.00 $ - $ 124,839.38 $ 321,253.75 $ 05/01/27 4,585,000.00 $ 75,000.00 $ 124,839.38 $ 11/01/27 4,510,000.00 $ - $ 123,151.88 $ 322,991.25 $ 05/01/28 4,510,000.00 $ 75,000.00 $ 123,151.88 $ 11/01/28 4,435,000.00 $ - $ 121,464.38 $ 319,616.25 $ 05/01/29 4,435,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 121,464.38 $ 11/01/29 4,355,000.00 $ - $ 119,664.38 $ 321,128.75 $ 05/01/30 4,355,000.00 $ 85,000.00 $ 119,664.38 $ 11/01/30 4,180,000.00 $ - $ 117,751.88 $ 322,416.25 $ 05/01/31 4,180,000.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 117,751.88 $ 11/01/31 4,180,000.00 $ - $ 115,726.88 $ 323,478.75 $ 05/01/32 4,180,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 115,726.88 $ 11/01/32 4,085,000.00 $ - $ 113,173.75 $ 323,900.63 $ 05/01/33 4,085,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 113,173.75 $ 11/01/33 3,985,000.00 $ - $ 110,486.25 $ 323,660.00 $ 05/01/34 3,985,000.00 $ 105,000.00 $ 110,486.25 $ 11/01/34 3,880,000.00 $ - $ 107,664.38 $ 323,150.63 $ 05/01/35 3,880,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 107,664.38 $ 11/01/35 3,770,000.00 $ - $ 104,708.13 $ 322,372.50 $ 05/01/36 3,770,000.00 $ 115,000.00 $ 104,708.13 $ 11/01/36 3,655,000.00 $ - $ 101,617.50 $ 321,325.63 $ 05/01/37 3,655,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 101,617.50 $ 11/01/37 3,535,000.00 $ - $ 98,392.50 $ 320,010.00 $ 05/01/38 3,535,000.00 $ 130,000.00 $ 98,392.50 $ 11/01/38 3,405,000.00 $ - $ 94,898.75 $ 323,291.25 $ 05/01/39 3,405,000.00 $ 135,000.00 $ 94,898.75 $ 11/01/39 3,270,000.00 $ - $ 91,270.63 $ 321,169.38 $ 05/01/40 3,270,000.00 $ 145,000.00 $ 91,270.63 $ 11/01/40 3,125,000.00 $ - $ 87,373.75 $ 323,644.38 $ 05/01/41 3,125,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 87,373.75 $ 11/01/41 2,815,000.00 $ - $ 83,342.50 $ 320,716.25 $ 05/01/42 2,465,000.00 $ 160,000.00 $ 83,342.50 $ 11/01/42 2,465,000.00 $ - $ 79,042.50 $ 322,385.00 $ 05/01/43 2,465,000.00 $ 170,000.00 $ 79,042.50 $ 11/01/43 2,465,000.00 $ - $ 74,473.75 $ 323,516.25 $ 05/01/44 2,465,000.00 $ 180,000.00 $ 74,473.75 $ 11/01/44 2,465,000.00 $ - $ 69,636.25 $ 324,110.00 $ 05/01/45 2,465,000.00 $ 190,000.00 $ 69,636.25 $ 11/01/45 2,275,000.00 $ - $ 64,268.75 $ 323,905.00 $ 05/01/46 2,275,000.00 $ 200,000.00 $ 64,268.75 $ 11/01/46 2,075,000.00 $ - $ 58,618.75 $ 322,887.50 $ 05/01/47 2,075,000.00 $ 210,000.00 $ 58,618.75 $ 11/01/47 1,865,000.00 $ - $ 52,686.25 $ 321,305.00 $ 05/01/48 1,865,000.00 $ 225,000.00 $ 52,686.25 $ 11/01/48 1,640,000.00 $ - $ 46,330.00 $ 324,016.25 $ 05/01/49 1,640,000.00 $ 235,000.00 $ 46,330.00 $ 11/01/49 1,405,000.00 $ - $ 39,691.25 $ 321,021.25 $ 05/01/50 1,405,000.00 $ 250,000.00 $ 39,691.25 $ 11/01/50 1,155,000.00 $ - $ 32,628.75 $ 322,320.00 $ 05/01/51 1,155,000.00 $ 265,000.00 $ 32,628.75 $ - $ 11/01/51 890,000.00 $ - $ 25,142.50 $ 322,771.25 $ 05/01/52 890,000.00 $ 280,000.00 $ 25,142.50 $ - $ 11/01/52 610,000.00 $ - $ 17,232.50 $ 322,375.00 $ 05/01/53 610,000.00 $ 295,000.00 $ 17,232.50 $ - $ 11/01/53 315,000.00 $ - $ 8,898.75 $ 321,131.25 $ 05/01/54 315,000.00 $ 315,000.00 $ 8,898.75 $ 323,898.75 $ 4,720,000.00 $ 5,048,519.17 $ 9,768,519.17 $ 26